Friday, September 4, 2009

Not the Sweetest Taboo

Not long ago I was watching a documentary on TV about "Genetic Sexual Attraction" between long-lost siblings who met each other as adults. There was one brother and sister couple who were expressing their love for each other and kissing on camera. It was disgusting. They even have children together which is even more disgusting. If you're going to have a child with a blood relative, at least have it with a second cousin or someone like that. But not with your brother or sister. Their attraction to each other made me want to vomit in my mouth. I can't even imagine being attracted to my sister and making out with her. Me and my sister don't even hug. I would rather get molested by a lion than make out with my sister. I feel sorry for those kids that the couple have. You know those kids are going to be retarded. History has shown that the chances of two blood relatives having perfectly normal children is slim. And I feel sorry for the grandparents. Those grandparents are pulling the hair out of their heads and wanting to go to their graves early.
I'm sure everyone in some point of their life has had fantasies about a relative. That's natural. But when you act on those fantasies and have sex with a relative, that's when it's just wrong. Most people played the game "doctor" as kids. Most of the time the only kids that were available to play doctor was a close relative. Then all you kids played doctor and you end up seeing your cousin's vagina and she sees your little penis. Anything more than that is a memory that will live in your head forever.
There are times when you meet someone hot at a family gathering and you want to bang the crap out of them. Then you find out they're one of your cousins on your mother's side of the family. These situations usually occur at a family wedding or funeral. Some people don't care and they go ahead and have sex with that relative even though they just found out they're related. These people are out of their damn minds!

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