Thursday, March 24, 2011

Sly Stallone Starts Men’s Clothing Line

Sylvester Stallone may soon be in your closet.
The action star plans to launch his own men’s clothing line and “lifestyle brand” in 2012.
“I thought the time is now,” Stallone tells Men’s Week. He explains, “I’ve lived a life where I know what has worked and what hasn’t worked. Clothing is the first step to building a character.”
And “character” will be at the core of the new brand.
Stallone’s two best-known movie creations, Rocky andRambo, will be the inspiration for the new collection (and possibly integral to its marketing).
“Rocky at the end of the day is a love story, while Rambo showcases the other side of masculinity, he’s a loner,” explains Stallone’s business partner Michael Henry.
“So the line will offer looks for ‘the rebel and the gentleman.’”
Stallone is puzzled about why more male celebrities don’t join the fashion fray.
“Maybe a lot of them dress for the films they’re in and they don’t want to be a slave to fashion. Or they’re more casual. But I think there’s room for both and it’s not being represented, especially in my age group.”

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