This devil doesn't wear Prada. It can't afford it.
The Antichrist has finally arrived, and his name is Ann Coulter. This thin masculine middle age bitch thinks she's more perfect than God. She thinks everything revolves around her, and she never thinks she's wrong. Whether it's criticizing 9/11 widows, making Anti-Semitic remarks, or accusing all Muslims of being terrorists, Ann Coulter makes outlandish statements for the pure sake of shocking and appalling the public. I don't understand how a political commentator with a college degree can say so many stupid things. Some of the things she says appear to be jokes that aren't very funny. Ann Coulter is either trying to be a stand-up comic, or she really is just an idiot who knows nothing about politics or our society. Everytime I see him or her on TV, I want to take the Television set and throw it out the window onto a parked car. She talks more shit than Rev. Al Sharpton. I'm suprised nobody hasn't punched her in the face yet. If I were interviewing her, I would take a rock and smash her head with it. I would do everybody else a favor and shut this bitch up. She is currently doing the talk show circuit to promote her new book. Everyone should buy that book and wipe their asses with it. I'll buy her book, wipe my ass with it, and send it back to the publisher. Last week she was on Inside Edition making negative remarks about the Obama family. She said that the media kissed Obama's ass during the election and that's why he won. She also said that Michelle Obama is copying Jackie Kennedy Onassis' dress style. Ann Coulter doesn't seek to amaze me. All she wants is attention and that's exactly what the media continues to give her. Well I'm not giving this bitch any more attention on this blog. All I have to finally say is: Ann Coulter is a cunt!
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