Friday, January 11, 2008

Politicians can suck it

Last night I was trying to watch the news, but all they kept talking about was the primary elections. Fuck the primary elections and fuck these politicians. I don’t understand these politicians. Most of them are boring and uptight. They look like they never have any fun. For once I would like to see a fun, hip, and cool politician. I want a politician who listens to hip hop and rock music, and uses profanity in public. Wouldn’t you want to hear John McCain curse at one of his campaigns. Like, "If you motherfuckers vote for me, I’ll cut taxes when I’m president. Tax cuts for everybody, you sons of bitches." If one of the presidential candidates cursed like that, I would finally vote. I would love to see one of the candidates curse out another candidate. Like Barack Obama cursing out Hillary Clinton: "That bitch should be in the kitchen cooking pancakes, not campaigning for president. Fuck her, and her husband too." Then Hillary would retaliate and curse him back: "I don’t know who that uppity nigger thinks he is, but he better shut the fuck up or I’ll put my high heel up his ass. If I had a dick, Obama could suck it." If the candidates cursed like that, I would go to every primary election. I would buy tickets tomorrow. But they don’t, so they can suck it.

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