Monday, September 17, 2007


O.J. (Orange Juice) Simpson was arrested in Las Vegas over the weekend in connection with an alleged robbery. You would think that a guy who’s been proven non-guilty of double murder would lay low for awhile and stay out of trouble. But not O.J. Not the Juice. O.J. Simpson loves the spotlight. He would choke Britney Spears just for some media attention. The Las Vegas police say Orange Juice Simpson and his posse entered a hotel room and took memorabilia that he says belongs to him. The memorabilia include a pair of Bruno Magli shoes, a bloody glove, knife, and a ski mask. Well, even though O.J. broke into the room and took memorabilia, at least he didn’t kill anybody this time.
O.J. Simpson is the Tiger Woods of killing people. Tiger Woods can miss 2 shots and get away with it. O.J. can kill 2 people and get away with it. Orange Juice is one scary dude. He’s scarier than Freddy Krueger. If Freddy Krueger saw O.J., he would pee his pants. I get scared every time I see O.J. on TV. I hide under my covers and call for my mommy. If I saw O.J. coming down the street, I would run and hide behind a car. I’m not getting my ass killed. But some people aren’t scared of O.J. A lot of girls love him. They can’t wait for O.J. to put his hands on them (and kill them). I’m sorry but if there’s a girl out there who actually likes O.J. Simpson, then she deserves to be stabbed by him. The blondes love O.J. and O.J. loves the blondes. I can’t blame the blondes for being attracted to O.J. Simpson. They probably think he’s Bill Cosby.
Every time I see Orange Juice on TV, he always has a smile on his face. He looks like he’s the happiest killer in the world. He acts like he hasn’t killed 2 people. He acts like he just won the Super bowl. And can you believe the guy is 60. He should be in a retirement home…..stabbing the senior citizens. I’m just killing, I mean kidding. You see, You see what happens when you talk about O.J., you start thinking like him. Las Vegas police say that O.J. will be charged with six counts of robbery, assault, burglary, and conspiracy. Ha ha! You’re going to prison O.J. Johnnie Cochran can’t save you now motherfucker.

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