Friday, August 21, 2009

Lady Gaga, a Copy Cat?

Let's play a 'spot-the-difference' game in here. Below are sets of two pics. Tell me if there's any difference you can find. Here's Stage 1...

Wow! You are so fast there.. How about Stage 2?

Good Job! Now try Solving Stage 3!

Unbelievable! Great Job! Here's the last Stage:

Congrats! Pretty easy, huh? Lol.. They are actually two different pics. The pics on the left are photos of an Irish electro-music artist, Roisin Murphy. The right pics on the other hand are Lady Gaga's who obviously copied her look from Murphy. I wonder if Murphy copied hers from someone else and that would make them both certified copy cats only of different generations... Lol...

-Noypi here

Photos take from: Idolator

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